How to Win Chess in 2 Moves- 2 Move Checkmate (Fool’s Mate)
How to Win Chess in 2 Moves
The 2 Move Checkmate (Fool’s Mate)
Ready to learn how to win chess in 2 moves with the 2 move checkmate?
Keep reading. You’re in the right place.
When it comes to the game of chess, a common belief is that chess a very long, time-consuming game. One player makes a move, then the next player takes time to evaluate all of their own moves, as well as how their opponent may counter.
While this tends to be the more common way chess is played, (though many games can be played with a timer) it is possible to win chess in 10 moves or less.
This includes:
How to Checkmate in 3 moves (3 move checkmate)
How to Checkmate in 4 Moves (Scholar’s Mate/4 Move Checkmate)
How to Checkmate in 5 Moves (5 move checkmate)
15 move checkmate (Video from live game)
However, there is one checkmate that trumps all, and that is the 2 move checkmate (also known as fool’s mate).
About the 2 Move Checkmate
Before we cover how to effectively achieve the 2 move checkmate (fool’s mate), understand that the 2 move checkmate usually only works against a very inexperienced opponent. Also, you can’t control your opponent’s moves, so for the 2 move checkmate to work, it involves your opponent making a few mistakes (2 to be precise).
If you’re playing someone who doesn’t have much experience with chess, it’s a great way to capture their King in rapid time.
If you’re playing a more experienced opponent, it is highly unlikely you’ll win chess in 2 moves.
The 2 Move Checkmate:
How to Checkmate Your Opponent in Only 2 Moves:
- Opponent’s Move
- Your Move
- Opponent’s Move
- Your Move
- Checkmate
Your opponent will open up by moving pawn to f4. This will open up the king’s diagonal, and expose a weakness.
You move your pawn to e6, making space for both the queen and bishop to move.
Your opponent moves their pawn to g4, continuing to expose the King’s diagonal.
This will be covered more below, but this is why it’s important to note here, that there are no pieces to protect the light player’s King from capture at this point. Had this pawn not been moved, the light player could move their pawn to g3, and block the queen’s capture. This is why it’s important to always follow basic chess strategy, which includes always keeping your pieces protected. In this case, they would be protecting their pawn on f4, and also not exposing the King.
You move your queen to h4, placing the King in checkmate
Taking a look at the chessboard, you will see the King is now trapped in checkmate, thus allowing you to win chess in only 2 moves. The King can only move in the direction of the queen, and there are no pieces of his own to block the attack.
Congratulations, you’ve just won chess in only 2 moves!
Key Notes About Winning Chess in 2 Moves
* The key to the 2 move checkmate is having the King’s diagonal exposed with no means of escape or capturing the queen when she moves into check. If your opponent is able to either move their King, or block the capture, checkmate will be prevented.*
Here’s a video to view how to checkmate in 2 moves (Fool’s Mate in motion):
2 Move Checkmate Prevention:
How White Could Have Prevented the 2 Move Checkmate:
Let’s say you find yourself in a similar situation as white, and are on the verge of allowing your opponent to win chess in 2 moves. If you first move your pawn to f4, the second pawn could be moved to g3 instead of g4. This would allow the pawn to capture the queen and prevent capturing the King. The pawn that moved to g4 could have been moved to g3. If the queen was moved to h3, she would now be captured by the pawn.
Move the knight from g1 to f2 on the second move. If the queen were to move into a position to capture, she would then be captured by the knight.
Wrapping Up How to Win Chess in 2 Moves:
Things to Keep In Mind About the 2 Move Checkmate
- You can’t make your opponent move both pawns to positions f4 and g4, which allow for the 2 move checkmate.
- It’s very rare for an opponent with even moderate experience to make these mistakes.
- Mistakes do happen though. If you notice your opponent’s first move is to either f4 or g4, be sure to move your pawn and have your queen ready for attack to win chess in 2 moves.
Purchase the Ebook:
The Chess Formula
Learn the Top Tactics in Chess & Instantly Improve Your Chess Game
It’s one thing to learn the 4 move checkmate (which will rarely work against a fairly experienced opponent). It’s another to learn all the top moves in chess that will instantly take your chess game to the next level.
With our new Ebook “The Chess Formula: Learn the Top Tactics in Chess & Instantly Improve Your Chess Game“, that’s exactly what you will learn to do.
The Chess Formula is considered a must have for anyone interested in improving their chess game. This book has been condensed and simplified down to the top tactics in chess that will both improve your ability to capture your opponent’s chess pieces and achieve checkmate, as well as prevent your opponent from capturing your own chess pieces.